Custom sets
Here you'll find a number of premade custom sets, configured from either years of personal experience, performance, recording and experimentation, or in close collaboration with customers over time to fine tune what they like.
Of particular note is the need for a number of sets with Arabic tuning at the 58.5 scale length. This is personally what I use as well, and so we are launching this section with a number of configurations for that.
You'll notice some of these are carefully calibrated. Low and medium low tension sets are generally more closely balanced across the spectrum, while some medium/medium high and the Turkish sets are designed with slightly stiffer trebles, as is sometimes preferred with Turkish players, to help with the ornamentations of that style.
I like working with all my customers, and if you want to share what we've arrived at with the community, send me your instrument specifics (scale length, tuning, Arabic, Turkish, fixed or floating) and what you like about your set and I'll offer it as your signature set!
Much more to come in terms of tunings, tensions and brands.
5 products